Blood test for diabetes mellitus: what indicators say about the disease

Blood on   diabetes   – laboratory analysis, which shows the level of glucose in the blood. Increasing glucose means that a person needs a thorough examination regarding the presence of diabetes.

When you need to pass a test for diabetes

When symptoms of diabetes are concerned, it should be, without delay,   donate blood   to determine the level of glucose.

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

Depending on the type of disease, the symptoms can be either pronounced or blurred.

Diabetes of the first type is characterized by an acute onset of the disease at a young age, accompanied by a sharp decrease in weight in the absence of dietary restrictions.

Among patients with diabetes of the second type, older people (from 40-45 years old) predominate, in most cases being overweight. The development of this form of diabetes is not accompanied by weight loss – on the contrary, patients are gradually gaining extra pounds in addition to those that already exist.

Despite the different causes and nature of the disorders in diabetes of the first and second type, there are signs that are characteristic of both forms. First of all, it is growing thirst, forcing to drink much more water than before the disease. Due to excess water intake, the disease is accompanied by polyuria – abundant and frequent urination. In addition, patients may complain of a feeling of obsessive pruritus, poorly healing ulcers, wounds and ulcers of the skin.

What do analysis numbers mean?

Blood for diabetes shows the level of fasting glucose in it. The normal value of the indicator is from 3.3 to 6.1 mmol / l from venous blood plasma.   Glucose   above 7.0 mmol / l means that the person is sick with diabetes. Intermediate values ​​from 6.1 to 7.0 mmol / l indicate the presence of prediabetes.

Another option for determining blood glucose is the glucose tolerance test, which shows how efficiently the body utilizes glucose from food. The test is to measure the glucose level after a carbohydrate load in the form of a sweet drink. A value above 7.7 mmol / l two hours after consuming the sweet solution indicates a violation of glucose uptake.

If a   blood   diabetes shows elevated glucose levels; another test should be taken – the level of glycated hemoglobin, expressed as a percentage of the total hemoglobin. This analysis shows how many compounds of erythrocytes with glucose are in the blood. Increasing the level of glycated hemoglobin means that a person has had a steady increase in blood sugar levels over the past three months. Normal values ​​of the indicator are set within 6% of the total mass of hemoglobin.

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