Can a sweet tooth have diabetes mellitus from sweets?

The globalization of the problem of diabetes mellitus has led experts to the conclusion that the likelihood of a violation and the human diet is dependent. This gives rise to a positive answer to the question of whether a sweet tooth can develop diabetes mellitus from a sweet tooth. However, the consumption of sugar-containing foods and drinks is not a guarantee of acquiring the disease, even over time.

The content of the article

What determines the predisposition to diabetes

Excessive accumulation of sugar in the body can cause pathological changes only in combination with other risk factors.

Such an optimistic statement should not be misleading – excessive consumption of sweets can cause other significant harm to health. In addition, the predisposition to diabetes is caused by not the most exotic reasons, from the occurrence of which no one is immune.

  • The main reason that provokes the disease is still a genetic predisposition. Therefore, it is very important to be aware of the family history of two or three previous generations of the closest blood relatives;
  • Complications after suffering rubella;
  • One of the viruses of the herpes group is cytomegalovirus, which is pathogenic after a single entry into the body;
  • Coxsackie enterovirus;
  • Pancreatic dysfunction;
  • Kidney disease;
  • Renal impairment;
  • Cystosis of the kidneys and ovaries;
  • Obesity of the second and third degree. The structure of adipose tissue contains substances that can reduce the level of insulin production in the body. This hormone is responsible for lowering blood glucose levels. This means a direct link between being overweight and the likelihood of acquiring diabetes.

At the same time, obesity can strike a person’s legs, namely, feet. This condition is called diabetic foot and is caused by atherosclerosis, which is often caused by excessive weight. The disorder is characterized by an increased susceptibility of the soft tissues of the foot to infectious and mechanical injury, sometimes by the development of a purulent-necrotic process, which in extreme cases ends with amputation of a part of the lower limb. Factors conducive to the onset of diabetes mellitus are such common phenomena in the life of modern people as:

  • Constant stressful situations;
  • Hypodynamia;
  • Health-damaging habits
  • Indirect influence of the use of certain medications;
  • Features of the professional sphere;
  • Unbalanced diet.

The effect of eating sweets on the occurrence of the disease

Do candy lovers get diabetes? This addiction can trigger a whole chain of changes in the work of human physiological systems. The first of the links is the acquisition of obesity. Sweet and floury foods mostly consist of simple carbohydrates and lipids, which are almost instantly processed by the body and converted into subcutaneous deposits. Sweet and many baked goods contain simple carbohydrates and fats. These elements are processed very quickly in the human body and then deposited in the subcutaneous tissue. Excessive body weight leads to tissue resistance to the effects of insulin, which leads to an overproduction of the hormone by the pancreas, and this, in turn, forms a vicious circle and increases the weight of the human body.

Those with a sweet tooth are at risk of raising bad blood cholesterol.

Its excessive amount settles on the walls of the blood vessels and reduces their permeability. This pathology provokes an insufficient supply of vital substances to all organs and systems of the human body, including the brain. In this regard, there is an imbalance in the balance of glucose and fats in the body, since the mechanisms responsible for the control process do not function fully. An excessive amount of bad cholesterol can cause serious pathologies – from diabetic nephropathy to heart attack, etc. Those with a sweet tooth are baking lovers and are at risk of pancreatic malfunction. Such food causes organ hyperfunction and excessive production of insulin and the digestive enzyme amylase, which is responsible for breaking down starch into simpler oligosaccharides, which increase blood sugar. In combination with an excess of insulin, which stabilizes the glucose level, this fact disrupts the functioning of the gland and leads to the appearance and development of diabetes mellitus in those who like to eat sweets.

How can you prevent diabetes?

The likelihood of diabetes mellitus is quite high in practically healthy people, but it is possible to reduce the chances of getting the disease by adhering to some simple preventive measures. One of them will be lifestyle changes by increasing physical activity. It is necessary to spend more time in the fresh air, start playing sports. To begin with, it is better to pay attention to those types of it that do not oblige you to exhausting workouts and a fast pace. Among them are such as:

  • Athletics at the non-professional level;
  • Volleyball in the hall, or even better – in an open street area;
  • Jumping on a trampoline;
  • Table tennis;
  • Walking;
  • Riding not a bike;
  • Horseback riding;
  • Various types of fitness, etc.

All these measures will help in the fight against extra pounds and normalize the blood composition.

If there is a serious risk of getting diabetes, it is better to consult a specialist – a nutritionist, a diabetologist, or visit an endocrinologist.

Advice on how to optimize your diet will not be superfluous for everyone, especially those with a sweet tooth.

The right choice of foods for the prevention of diabetes

As a preventive measure, the following foods rich in micronutrients, complex carbohydrates and proteins should be included in the diet:

  • Various animal and vegetable seafood;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits, especially local and topical in the season of natural ripening;
  • Whole grain cereals;
  • Liquid nutritious meals – low-fat soups, broths;
  • Rye bread;
  • Fermented milk products;
  • Lean meat.

It is better to reduce the consumption of animal fats and nuts. You should not completely give up eating sweets; it is enough to limit the quantity and control the quality of the treats. You can divide foods according to the degree of harm to a particular organism using the glycemic index. This concept is characterized by an indicator of the rate at which carbohydrates are absorbed by the body and the level of glucose in the blood fluid rises. However, this approach has to take into account numerous nuances. You should always pay attention to the composition of the products indicated on the labels. Unfortunately, here you will have to rely on not always bona fide manufacturers and incompletely specified information. Inaccurate information about the amount of sugar in the composition is often provided, especially with regard to drinks. In addition to sugar, it is recommended to look for hydrolyzed starch and molasses in the composition. Honey, sucrose, fructose have similar properties. This group includes dextrose, maltose, sucrose. Sometimes only one type of sugar is indicated on the label. With any composition, artificially created, mixed fruit drinks, it is better to prefer fresh fruits in their original form. Sweet tooths, fearing diabetes, should not switch uncontrollably to products of specialized lines. Intended for the owners of the disease, they may turn out to be more caloric than the usual sweets.

Most fat-free foods include sugar.

As a guideline when controlling the daily amount of sugar consumption, it is necessary to take into account the daily allowable rate for an adult – 25 grams, a healthy child 4-7 years old – 19 (five teaspoons), 8-10 years old – 24, a teenager over 11 years old is allowed to eat up to 30 grams (7 tsp) Diabetics and potential owners of the disease should better avoid too fatty dairy products, pastries, processed meats (sausages, smoked meats). It will help to balance nutrition knowing that not only sugar and sweets are harmful. Excess lipids, high calorie content and excessive food intake negatively affect health.

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