Diabetes is no longer a huge problem

1. How often does diabetes mellitus occur?

Diabetes affects people in all countries, on all continents. The number of patients with diabetes in different countries varies from 1 to 10% of the population.

2. What are the normal blood sugar levels? How often should control blood sugar levels.

 Normal fasting blood sugar

3.33 – 5.55 mmol per liter (in capillary blood), and there is no sugar in the urine.

After 40 years of age, blood sugar levels should be checked annually.

3. What is the role of the hereditary factor in the development of diabetes?

There is a wrong opinion that the development of diabetes mellitus is caused by excessive consumption of sugar. However, this disease is often inherited, especially the risk of diabetes in those women whose mothers have diabetes.

In children of patients with type 2 diabetes, the risk of diabetes is 3 to 6 times higher than in children whose parents have type 1 diabetes.

In addition to heredity, there are many reasons for diabetes in women. Risks to get this disease are those who are excessively abused by junk food, move a little, have different bad habits, are overweight.

4. What are the signs of diabetes in women?

The following symptoms should be alerted:

constant thirst;

frequent urination;


poorly healing wounds.

However, do not despair if you have found any of the above symptoms, as in order to make an accurate diagnosis, the presence of one of the symptoms is not enough, testing is required and a full examination is required. Diabetes does not occur in one day, at some stage the process can still be reversed. A timely visit to the endocrinologist, as well as the observance of all his advice, will help you to avoid further development of this disease.

5. Violations during pregnancy in patients with diabetes.

During pregnancy, diabetes mellitus varies significantly. There are 3 stages of these changes.

In the first trimester of pregnancy there is an improvement in the course of the disease. The level of glucose in the blood decreases, tissue sensitivity to insulin increases, which can lead to the development of hypoglycemia.

From the 13th week of pregnancy, there is a worsening of the course of the disease, an increase in hyperglycemia, which can lead to ketoacidosis and precoma.

From 32 weeks of gestation to birth, diabetics can improve and hypoglycemia can occur. Improvement of the condition is associated with the effect of fetal insulin on the mother’s body, as well as with the increased consumption of glucose by the fetus, which enters the placenta from the maternal blood.

During childbirth, significant fluctuations in the blood glucose level occur, hyperglycemia and acidosis can develop under the influence of emotional influences or hypoglycemia as a result of the physical work done, the fatigue of a woman.

After birth, blood glucose decreases rapidly and then gradually increases.

6. How to plan pregnancy for women with diabetes?

Planning pregnancy in women with diabetes is a must and a prerequisite for the birth of a healthy baby.

The following rules must be observed:

Planning for pregnancy at a young age in the absence of severe complications of diabetes.

Until achieving stable remission of diabetes mellitus should refrain from pregnancy.

It is necessary to discuss the issue of the forthcoming pregnancy with your doctor – endocrinologist. All women with diabetes mellitus type I and II who are planning a pregnancy 5-6 months before conception should discuss this issue with an endocrinologist to clarify the degree of compensation for diabetes mellitus, clarify the presence and severity of late complications of diabetes, conduct self-control training and decide the possibility of carrying a pregnancy.

When planning a pregnancy, the following situations should be excluded in which pregnancy is generally contraindicated:

the presence of decompensation and labile forms of diabetes;

the combination of diabetes and active tuberculosis;

diabetic ketoacidosis;

progressive vascular complications of diabetes mellitus;

severe heart disease.

7. How to avoid diabetes?

Diabetes today is not a sentence. Nowadays, with a similar disease, people can live to a great old age. More often donate blood for sugar. Lead an active lifestyle, eat right. This will help you with various undesirable consequences.

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