Diabetes will be treated with male testes

.The efforts of scientists aimed at treating diabetes mellitus with the help of stem cells so popular recently have not yet been crowned with any positive result. In addition, the artificial reprogramming of stem cells as part of research often led to the development of dangerous malignant neoplasms.

However, a group of researchers from the University of Georgetown proposed a fundamentally new approach to solving this problem. Specialists managed to isolate peculiar sperm precursors from the tissue of the male testicles, after which the extracted cells were grown in the laboratory.

From just one gram of tissue samples taken, scientists managed to get almost a million cells that possessed the qualities and properties of special pancreatic beta cells.

The transplantation of the obtained cells to laboratory rodents in which the development of diabetes mellitus was artificially caused a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood of rodents. Nevertheless , the result was very unstable, as it lasted only a week. 

At the moment, scientists have set themselves the task of consistently positive results when transplanting artificially grown pancreatic cells. The solution found for this problem can be a real breakthrough in the treatment of diabetes.

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