External signs of diabetes in women: how the disease manifests itself

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic pathology that is characterized by high blood sugar for a long period of time. The disease has its own distinctive features, and it is easy to distinguish it from other diseases if you know the external signs of diabetes in women.

Diabetes mellitus has several specific varieties like Lada and Modi disease, however, in the vast majority of clinical pictures, the first type of chronic illness (about 10% of all cases) and the second type of sugar disease (it accounts for 90%) are diagnosed.

Two pathologies, despite the same name, have distinctive symptoms, and treatment tactics will differ significantly. With the first type of insulin, there is no in the body or it is small, with the second type of ailment a decrease in the sensitivity of cells to the hormone is observed.

So, it is necessary to consider what symptoms indicate the development of the disease, and how does the pathology manifest itself in the fair sex?

The first manifestations of the disease

Signs of diabetes in women who suffer from endocrine disruption manifest themselves with rather specific symptoms, and it can be significantly differentiated in different clinical cases.

For example, in some representatives of the weaker sex, the first manifestations are increased pallor of the skin, predominantly pale skin of the face. Others show a sharp decrease in weight, and the diet remains unchanged.

Diabetes mellitus in women often leads to a violation of the functionality of the respiratory tract, as a result of which shortness of breath is detected. As a rule, this symptom is detected in cases where there is no physical activity.

If we talk about external signs, then some women, on the contrary, have a sharp weight gain, and nutrition does not matter. When restricting some products, extra pounds are added anyway.

Diabetes mellitus can be manifested by the following symptoms, which is observed constantly or from time to time:

  • Set or dramatic weight loss.
  • Pale skin.
  • Women have unpleasant sensations in the genital area (itching).
  • Pain in women with a full bladder.

Medical experts note that diabetes can be characterized by a wide variety of symptoms, which can vary significantly in different cases.

In many women, endocrine disruption leads to increased fragility of hair and nails.

The main symptoms of diabetes

With the accumulation of glucose in the blood of a woman, a symptom such as profuse and frequent urination is detected. The fact is that the body accumulates to such an extent a lot of sugar that the kidneys work in an intensive mode, trying to get rid of it.

The second characteristic sign of a “sweet” disease is a constant feeling of thirst, observed 24 hours a day. Moreover, no matter how much water the patient consumes, the feeling of thirst does not disappear, you constantly feel thirsty.

The “brutal” feeling of hunger, haunting constantly. This symptom can be compared in strength with the first two. No matter how much food a woman consumes, the body remains “hungry”, as the cells are not sensitive to sugar.

In other words, there is no way to obtain energy material, due to the fact that glucose cannot penetrate into the cells.

Objectively speaking, the signs listed above are observed only in those cases when glucose rises high enough and stops at a mark well above the permissible limit.

In addition, the severity of symptoms in a particular woman depends on the sensitivity of the body to excess sugar.

Secondary symptoms in women

In medical practice, secondary symptoms of a “sweet” disease are also distinguished, which may indicate the development of pathology. These signs can be attributed both to the first type of ailment, and to the second.

With high rates of sugar, a woman has problems with the skin. As mentioned above, the first symptoms are characterized by pale skin. In the future, the skin may itch, itch, hives and red spots appear.

Often women suffer from fungal pathologies, pustules of various localization, boils, acne, etc. appear on the skin. At the same time, any violation of the integrity of the skin, a long period of time does not heal, disturbing the patient.

The secondary symptoms of diabetes in the weaker sex include the following symptoms:

  1. Nervous exhaustion. Patients noted weakness, lethargy, apathy, constant chronic weakness, causeless irritability. The lability of the emotional background is often revealed: literally a minute ago there was a good mood, after which there was an unreasonable anger and temper.
  2. Physical exhaustion. This symptom can be characterized by constant fatigue and muscle weakness. Even a little physical activity is a serious work.
  3. Violation of the functionality of the digestive tract. Usually there is pain in the abdomen, diarrhea or constipation, an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, a metallic taste in the mouth.

In many women, diabetes affects the condition of the teeth. There is a non-subsiding inflammatory process in the gums, tartar is rapidly growing.

What to do?

If a girl or woman has the symptoms listed above, then one should not ignore it, since diabetes is an insidious disease that is fraught with numerous negative complications.

First of all, it is recommended to consult a doctor with your complaints. The doctor will prescribe the necessary studies, tell you how to donate blood for sugar. According to the results of the tests, we can talk about the presence or absence of diabetes. 

As a rule, if an excess of the permissible norm is observed, it is recommended to donate blood for glucose several times. Additionally, a glucose tolerance test or glycated hemoglobin can be prescribed.

Speaking of the norm, the indicators are as follows:

  • The upper limit of the norm for a woman is 5.5 units.
  • With a variation in indicators from 5.5 to 7.0 units, we can talk about prediabetes.
  • Over 7.0 units – diabetes

In any case, doctors do not judge one study about the presence or absence of a sugar disease. Usually, several studies are prescribed on different days in order to derive a specific result.

When revealing a prediabetic state, the doctor advises changing your lifestyle, playing sports, and adjusting your diet. In addition, it is necessary to constantly monitor the performance of sugar.

If the first type of ailment is diagnosed, then the administration of insulin is immediately prescribed. With the second type of pathology, they are initially trying to cope with non-drug therapy, therefore, they recommend a low-carb diet for diabetics and physical activity.  

In conclusion, it should be noted that diabetes is a serious disease that can be characterized by various symptoms. Therefore, if a pathology is suspected, it is necessary to take sugar tests.

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