How to cook diabetic main courses?

People suffering from diabetes mellitus are contraindicated not only sweet, but also oily (therefore, when frying, you need to add a minimum of vegetable oil, and preferably just lubricate it with a pan), flour products, potatoes and much more. And all these restrictions should be considered when preparing various dishes. 

So, salads with mayonnaise and sour cream are contraindicated for diabetics , and you should not get involved in vegetable oil, so it is advisable to choose salad ingredients that do not require filling.  

Especially many problems are delivered by main dishes. Indeed, the restrictions for the diabetic exclude not only frying, but also the passage of vegetables, which leads to a certain uniformity of nutrition. This, of course, able to spoil the mood of anyone, especially – an elderly man who was found to diabetes, pancreatic type, which forced him suddenly and in a respectable age to change the diet. Therefore, when preparing the second courses for a diabetic, one has to fantasize.    

Let’s move on to culinary recipes .  

Fritters with meat

For such pancakes, it is recommended to use chicken or turkey meat, preferably breast – the most dietary and non-fat option, best suited for diabetics. 

The dough for fritters is prepared on the basis of low-fat kefir and oat flour: flour is poured into kefir to the consistency of thick sour cream and thoroughly mixed. Such a test should be allowed to infuse a bit, since oatmeal does not absorb moisture as quickly as wheat. The dough is infused for 15-20 minutes, and during this time you can prepare the meat.

The meat is cut into small pieces and then mixed with the dough. The mixture is salted, spices – to taste. Then in a hot frying pan with a minimum of vegetable oil, pancakes are baked (the dough is simply laid out with a spoon in the pan). 

Hash browns are served hot. As a complement to them, you can use various greens, as well as light salads.

Bean Stew

Another meat dish. The meat is either poultry meat, devoid of skin, or lean beef or veal, that is, what can be diabetic. Carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater, and onions are cut into rings or half rings.  

Vegetables are placed in a stewpan along with meat, cut into portioned pieces, poured with water so that it slightly covers the mixture. Then the mixture is brought to a boil and simmering over low heat. Salt and spices are added to taste.

While the meat is stewed, the beans are cooked: it is boiled in slightly salted water until tender, then the water is drained. It is not recommended to use canned beans, since sugar is often added to “canned” canned food. 

When the meat and beans are ready, the beans are added to the meat, and salt and spices are added if necessary.

Then sauce is added: tomato paste diluted in water with the addition of one or two tablespoons of oatmeal. The mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for four to five minutes.

The dish is served hot, you can add a variety of greens.


Fat-free cottage cheese is used to make cottage cheese pancakes. It is mixed with oatmeal and eggs (the number of eggs depends on the amount of cottage cheese and flour). The dough should be tight enough to roll out. Circles are cut out of the rolled dough (a glass or a glass), which are fried in a hot pan with a minimal addition of vegetable oil.

You can also cook pancakes from squash, pumpkin, unsweetened apples for diabetics using low-fat kefir as a liquid base. In addition, pumpkin and zucchini, grated on a coarse grater, can be added to the stew, which refreshes the usual recipe, giving it a taste of novelty.

It should be noted that diabetes is of various types, in addition, patients have an unusual reaction to some products. For example, for some of the diabetics, beets are quite normal, but for some, this root crop is too sweet. Therefore, if in recipes you see ingredients that you have not previously consumed, it is best to consult your doctor.   

In addition, the ingredients are not something once and for all established, they can be replaced with other, more suitable for this person. So let me work on my imagination.

Bon Appetit!

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