Protein metabolism in diabetes. Diabetes complications

In diabetes mellitus, protein metabolism is disrupted, the excretion of ammonia in the urine is enhanced. This increases the normal ratio of ammonia nitrogen to total urine nitrogen. Ammonia nitrogen can reach 20 mg% or more (instead of 5-6 mg%), and total urine nitrogen up to 4 g or more (instead of 0.3-0.8 g). In urine, the ratio of nitrogen of amino acids to total nitrogen also increases to 10% or more (instead of 4%). The content of amino acids to total nitrogen is also increased in the blood. In diabetes mellitus, the main metabolism changes. E. Ya. Reznitskaya and L.N. Anosova et al. Showed that removal of the pancreas causes a moderate increase in basal metabolism. Insulin injection reduces it again. In 50% of patients with diabetes, normal basic metabolism is observed, in 30-35% – increased and in 12% – reduced. According to the data of V. G. Baranov, L. N. Anosova, diabetes mellitus is often observed in combination with thyrotoxicosis. Removing the thyroid gland reduces the severity of diabetes. Kustner observed an increase in kidney permeability for sugar in non-pregnant rabbits after implantation of a pregnant ovary. The occurrence of renal diabetes during pregnancy was also indicated by K. A. Reznitskaya and P. I. Fomina. Some researchers report a relatively high percentage of fetal deaths and newborn deaths, as well as congenital anomalies in children born to mothers with diabetes. However, it is emphasized that the successful outcome of pregnancy largely depends on rational therapy. With diabetes, the body’s resistance to infectious diseases decreases. Pulmonary tuberculosis is noted in 15-30% of patients, and according to sectional data, in 40-50%. Hirsfeld associates hypertension in diabetes mellitus with overexertion of the vascular system due to increased urine output. Noorden attaches importance to hypercholesterolemia. With hypertension in patients, the sympathoadrenal system predominates (I. B. Havin). As shown by Root, Adelsberg, Bastenie, Burger, Monicke and others, vascular complications (atherosclerosis, nephropathy and retinopathy) are the most complex angiopathies in diabetes mellitus. In the pathogenesis of these complications, dysproteinemia plays a role, which manifests itself in the form of a decrease in the content of a2-albumin in the blood, an increase in b- and y-globulins, as well as lipoproteins. Most characteristic is an increase in protein-bound glucosamine. Pathomorphologically, the deposition of highly polymerized mucopolysaccharides in the interstitial substance was detected. Using electron microscopy, the initial lesions of the kidney tissue obtained by needle biopsy were established. At the same time, a thickening of the basal cell membrane was observed already 5 months after the development of diabetes. Increased function of the adrenal cortex and sharp fluctuations in blood glucose can lead to increased adrenal secretion of corticosteroids (Bastenie, Gott). A definite relationship has been established between the duration of diabetes, the age of patients and insufficient treatment, on the one hand, and the development of angiopathy, on the other. Of primary importance in the prevention of diabetic angiopathy are systematic insulin therapy and diet (replacing animal fat with vegetable fat containing unsaturated fatty acids, a large amount of raw vegetables). Diabetes is reflected in the activity of the heart. Violation of metabolic processes and tissue depletion of glycogen reduce the tone of the heart muscle. Often with diabetes, cholelithiasis occurs, which is explained by hypercholesterolemia. A. I. Vilkomirsky and M. A. Kopelovich indicate that almost all the studied patients with diabetes have water retention in the tissues. In such patients, real diffuse glomerulonephritis with their urinary, functional and cardiovascular symptoms is also observed. Keratitis, cataracts, diabetic retinitis, and auditory nerve neuritis are the most common complications of diabetes. E.A. Goldferrer and M.A. Kopelovich note that there is not a single patient with diabetes who did not have this or that eye disease during the course of the disease.The reason for this is not only a change in metabolism, but also hypovitaminosis B). In diabetes mellitus, neurosis, psychoneurosis, and less often psychosis appear. We observed pseudo-progressive paralysis in a patient with diabetes mellitus (M. S. Kahana and T. B. Kahana). The experimental data of M.I. Mityushov show that after removal of the pancreas in dogs, along with hyperglycemia and glucosuria, the values ​​of positive conditioned reflexes decrease, their latent period is lengthened, and differentiations are disinhibited.

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