Renal salt diabetes

Speaking about diabetes, a person, first of all, implies a disease such as diabetes. But diabetes is not only sugar. This disease can be of the following types: diabetes mellitus, non-diabetes mellitus, renal diabetes, bronze diabetes or hemochromatosis, phosphate diabetes, glucose-phosphate-amine diabetes and renal salt diabetes. Each of them causes serious disturbances in the body system. Renal salt diabetes is also called pseudohypoaldosteronism syndrome, which occurs due to impaired renal function. The sensitivity of the renal tubules to the hormone aldosterone produced by the adrenal glands weakens and the person develops renal salt diabetes. In other words, the patient’s kidneys do not have time to filter out and select for themselves the substance necessary for the body – sodium, until the formation of the final product that the body releases. Sodium is washed out of oragnism and its sharp deficit occurs.

How is sodium good for the body?

Sodium is a substance that maintains a constant osmotic pressure in the tissues and organs of the human body. Sodium is also responsible for the water-salt balance and takes part in the intercellular and intracellular metabolism. The formation of nerve impulses, the work of muscles and the functions of the cardiovascular system also depend on the presence of this substance in the body. Therefore, with a chronic lack of sodium in the body, a dangerous condition occurs.

Symptoms of Renal Salt Diabetes

Renal salt diabetes is characterized, first of all, by an abundant amount of sodium in the patient’s urine. In this case, the discharge of sodium salts exceeds Noma by 15-20 times. It is the release of a huge amount of sodium from the body that causes the appearance of a number of symptoms characteristic of the disease :  

  • lack of appetite and refusal to eat;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • the occurrence of vomiting;
  • increased urination;
  • the appearance of fever;
  • the appearance of constipation.

In addition, renal salt diabetes can be accompanied by hyperkalemia, that is, an increase in blood potassium concentration.

If the disease is not treated, the patient develops severe dehydration and dystrophy.

Causes of Renal Salt Diabetes

Renal salt diabetes can be divided into congenital and acquired.

The congenital form of the disease is genetically determined; it develops, as a rule, in newborns in the first weeks of life after birth.

Acquired renal salt diabetes develops against the background of other diseases, for example, interstitial nephritis, chronic pyelonephritis and others. Acquired renal salt diabetes can also develop against the background of severe poisoning of the body by some toxic substances.

Treatment for renal salt diabetes

Methods of treating renal salt diabetes depend on what is the cause of its occurrence: congenital pathology or acquired.

Congenital renal salt diabetes is treated according to one scheme: the introduction of sodium into the body, in accordance with the allocated amount of this substance. Such treatment will take place individually for each patient. Also, it may vary slightly, depending on the condition of the patient.

With acquired renal salt diabetes, the introduction of sodium into the body is also required , but in addition, therapy will be directed to the underlying disease that caused the development of this pathology.

In addition, doctors should not allow the patient to develop hypoglycemia, so it is advisable to replenish the glycolene reserves in the body. 

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