Tomatoes for diabetes: can a diabetic eat tomatoes?

Diabetes means major changes in all vital systems of the body. In addition to the main problem – the difficult penetration of glucose into the cells of the body, this endocrine disease entails more disorders that lead to the formation of secondary chronic diseases.

9/10 diabetics are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, which is also called obesity diabetes. Therefore, the primary problem that patients face is weight loss. For the daily menu, it is necessary to select products that have a low calorie content, but at the same time contain all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

The tomato is a vegetable that fits these requirements perfectly.

What properties of tomatoes are useful for diabetes

The presence of diabetes requires strict self-control from a person, extensive knowledge in the field of medicine. Strict adherence to a diet plays an important role in the daily life of a person with diabetes. Its compilation requires in-depth knowledge of dietetics. It will facilitate the task of being aware of the composition of the products that are allowed for inclusion in the diabetic menu. Tomato contains:

  • Chromium: This trace mineral contributes to weight loss as it makes you feel full. For patients with diabetes mellitus, this property is irreplaceable, since most diabetics have extra pounds; 
  • Pectin: Reduces high blood pressure. According to scientists, this increase in blood pressure is one of the decisive factors in the onset of diabetes; 
  • Substance P-3: A recent discovery by American scientists has helped combat the threat of blood clots. The combination of diabetes mellitus and hypertension has a negative effect on blood quality. The fragility of blood vessels increases and the risk of thrombosis increases; 
  • Serotonin: has a positive effect on the nervous system, promotes a normal psychological mood and prevents the appearance of depressive conditions. In addition to severe physiological changes in the body, diabetes leads to the emergence of neurological and mental disorders, among which depression is the leading one. In this case, the depressive state leads to surges in blood sugar; 
  • Glycoalkaloids have fungicidal and bactericidal properties. The insidiousness of diabetes mellitus lies in the fact that it impairs the body’s resistance to all kinds of infections and viruses. High blood sugar creates a favorable breeding ground for pathogenic organisms and fungal infections; 
  • Lycopene Reduces the risk of developing cancer cells. For the development of oncological diseases and diabetes mellitus, the same provoking factors play a decisive role: overweight, lack of physical activity, and poor nutrition. 

Tomato dishes are one of the main ingredients of Italian, Greek, Spanish cuisine. According to most nutritionists, life expectancy and the prevalence of cancer and endocrine diseases directly depend on the variety of food, the presence of tomatoes, olive oil, and sea fish in the diet.

Caution: dangerous properties of tomatoes

  • Powerful diuretic: due to its composition – more than 70% of the tomato consists of water, moreover, it contains magnesium, can cause frequent urination. The body of a diabetic patient is constantly at risk of dehydration. Diabetes mellitus is often accompanied by disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and bladder. For this reason, tomato dishes should be introduced into the diet gradually and in small doses in order to track the body’s response. Even if the body’s reaction is normal, then the daily intake of tomatoes should not exceed 250 grams; 
  • Strong allergen: due to poor functioning of the immune system and pathological processes in the liver, food allergies are very common among endocrinologist patients. Like any red vegetable or fruit, tomato very often provokes skin rashes, nasal congestion, itching. In addition, all kinds of chemicals used in the cultivation of this garden crop can contribute to the development of allergic reactions. In this case, tomato dishes should be introduced into the diet gradually, without combining them with other new products. Particular attention should be paid to those patients who previously had signs of allergic reactions; 
  • Provocateur of cholelithiasis insufficient penetration of glucose into tissue cells leads to insufficient function of the pancreas. This becomes the cause of stagnation of bile and the formation of stones in the gallbladder. Tomatoes are rich in all kinds of acids, especially oxalic acid, which promotes the formation of stones. For this reason, the use of tomatoes in the presence of gallstone disease should be reduced or reduced after the obligatory consultation with a doctor. 

The term diabetes comes from ancient Greek. This condition was first described 200 years before the beginning of a new era. The semantic translation meant “expiration”.

How to cook tomatoes for a diabetic menu

One of the most beneficial substances found in tomatoes, lycopene, shows its wonderful properties after heat treatment. Therefore, one of the healthiest ways to cook tomatoes is to bake or grill them. In order to get the most out of the health benefits of tomatoes, you need to combine them with foods and spices that are good for diabetics. Use celery leaves, arugula, dandelion leaves, and chicory herbs to make salads. These herbs, having a bitter and pungent taste, have a choleretic effect, which helps the pancreas to work. Cinnamon, cloves, garlic go well with tomato dishes, and they also help lower blood sugar, help the immune system, and also reduce blood clotting. Adding these spices to salads and sauces will reduce the need for salt, which is harmful to diabetics. To replenish lycopene reserves, tomatoes can be baked with unsalted cheeses or high-fat cottage cheese. These dairy products have a good effect on liver cells that are damaged by disease. The ideal combination is a combination of tomatoes or a sauce made from them with lentils or green beans. The legume family is a source of iron and B vitamins, which diabetics need to maintain their nervous and cardiovascular systems.

What tomato dishes should be excluded from the diet of a diabetic

  • Ready-made ketchups and sauces based on tomato juice ( marinara bolognese , lecho): everyone’s favorite sauces contain a lot of hidden sugar. Manufacturers usually add starch to thicken the product. These two products should be minimally present in the diet, as they can lead to an increase in blood sugar; 
  • Pickled and Salted Tomatoes: Minimizing the use of salt and sugar is a must for diabetic menus. When pickling and pickling, salt and sugar are used as a flavor enhancer and as a preservative, for this reason, tomatoes prepared in this way should be avoided; 
  • Commercially made tomato paste: Despite the huge amount of lycopene , which is present in maximum quantities in tomato paste, it should be avoided due to the possible high sugar content in its composition. Read the label carefully to take into account the amount of sugar in your daily menu. 

Competent menu design and regular medication will make the daily life of a diabetic as comfortable as possible.

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