Treatment of thrush in diabetes mellitus in women: symptoms of candidiasis

A metabolic disorder that leads to diabetes affects not only the metabolism of carbohydrates in the human body, but also worsens the functionality of all internal organs in the human body.

The human immune system decreases, barrier functions decrease, as a result of which the body cannot fully resist pathogenic agents, therefore, patients with diabetes mellitus often suffer from infectious pathologies.

These can be diseases of a bacterial and viral nature, a little less often fungal infections. In addition, the high sugar content in the body is a favorable breeding ground for bacteria. A clear example of a fungal infection is thrush in diabetes.

It is necessary to consider how thrush and diabetes are related, and what causes the development of candidiasis? How is thrush treated in women with diabetes mellitus, and what to do if thrush appears in men?

The reasons

In medical practice, the concept of thrush has a scientific term, and doctors call this disease candidiasis. This name was given to the disease on behalf of Candida pathogens.

Such bacteria are called opportunistic, because they are always found on the mucous membranes of a person, but they do not always provoke inflammatory processes in the body. Candidiasis in diabetes develops against the background of intensive reproduction of fungal microorganisms.

Thrush with diabetes is of several types: vaginal and intestinal thrush, thrush of the oral cavity and so on. There are more than 10 types of pathology. As for diabetes, any kind of pathology can develop against its background, and this depends on the location of the fungal microorganisms, as well as other circumstances.

Fungal microorganisms are in a latent state, but in medical practice there are factors that can provoke their aggressive behavior:

  • The period of pregnancy, a decrease in the human immune system.
  • Chronic infections in the body, including sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Long-term antibiotic therapy.
  • Propensity for allergic reactions.
  • Wearing synthetic underwear.
  • Improper nutrition.
  • High temperature environment.

In medicine, it is believed that diabetes mellitus is the most influential factor that provokes the development of thrush.

Thrush can also be transmitted during sexual contact, and this happens when one of the partners has an aggressive strain of microorganisms. However, in the vast majority of cases, doctors do not classify this pathology as a sexually transmitted disease. Nevertheless, a gynecologist treats thrush in women.

In a situation where thrush has developed against the background of diabetes mellitus, treatment is recommended by a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Clinical picture

Before telling how to treat candidiasis in type 2 diabetes, it is necessary to consider what symptoms are characterized by candidiasis. Symptoms of pathology are always pronounced, which makes it easier to diagnose complications.

However, if the patient is sure that he has precisely thrush, self-medication is highly not recommended. With diabetes mellitus, not only candidiasis can develop at the same time, but also other latent concomitant diseases.

The main symptoms of candidiasis are the following symptoms:

  1. Burning, itching and other symptoms of inflammatory processes in the genital area.
  2. Vaginal discharge in women. By their consistency, they resemble a curd mass.
  3. During urination, painful sensations are observed.
  4. Pain during intercourse.
  5. On the mucous membrane of the genital organs, areas of white are revealed.

If the patient has developed thrush of the oral cavity, then it is characterized by a change in the appearance of the oral mucosa. As a rule, a white film (plaque) appears on the mucous surface.

Constantly high blood sugar in diabetics leads to disruption of blood vessels, which in turn can lead to numerous complications, including gangrene in diabetes mellitus. 

Any wound with a “sweet” disease heals for a long period of time, compared with healthy people, and the risk of bacterial and fungal infections increases.

The high sugar content creates an ideal breeding ground for many pathogenic microorganisms. All this leads to the fact that thrush of any localization can develop.

However, most often diabetics develop genital thrush.


When the disease is ignored, it begins to progress, as a result of which it gradually turns into a chronic form, and in turn, can lead to many diabetic complications.

It should be noted that some representatives of the fair sex treat diabetic candidiasis on their own, without going to a doctor. But this is fundamentally wrong, sometimes you can muffle the symptoms, but over time, the disease will manifest itself with renewed vigor.

How to treat thrush in diabetes, men and women are interested? The basis of therapy are medicinal antifungal agents. It can be tablets, suppositories for insertion into the vagina, ointments for external use.

The entire process of treating thrush against the background of diabetes mellitus can be brought to traditional standards in medical practice:

  • The duration of the therapeutic course can be several weeks, when effective agents are prescribed that act gently and gradually.
  • When prescribing medications containing more potent substances, the treatment can be 2 days, or even a single dose.
  • If the patient has a chronic thrush, then the treatment can last a year.

There is a huge selection of drugs that can be prescribed for the treatment of thrush. But diabetics are always recommended mild and gentle remedies, which are prescribed to young children and pregnant women.

The most effective drugs for the treatment of thrush include drugs like Nystatin, Fluconazole, Pimafucin. The dosage of the drug, the frequency of administration is recommended exclusively on an individual basis.

During treatment, it is recommended to abandon sexual intercourse, carefully monitor the hygiene of the genitals, follow a healthy diet, which is doubly important for diabetics. 

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