What cereals can a diabetic eat with diabetes

Diabetes mellitus obliges its carriers to lead their lives in a special regime. Monitoring blood sugar levels becomes a habit. Injecting insulin is very important! In addition, you need to eat a balanced, correct diet. The main task of a diabetic is to prevent surges in blood sugar. Therefore, you can forget about the consumption of simple carbohydrates. You need to give preference to complex carbohydrates, which do not allow a sharp increase in blood sugar and saturate the body for a long time. Such carbohydrates are found in cereals. What cereals a diabetic can eat, we will consider in this article.

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Useful properties of porridge

The useful properties of porridge cannot be exaggerated. Cereals consist of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on digestion, are rich in vitamins and minerals, and are a source of complex carbohydrates. Also, porridge gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, which is very important for people on a diet. Introducing cereals into the diet of a diabetic, it is necessary to become familiar with the concept of the glycemic index (GI). Each type of cereal has its own characteristics. The use of porridge with a high glycemic index is unacceptable for patients with diabetes mellitus. You shouldn’t add butter, milk, yogurt to porridge with a high glycemic index. In general, the glycemic index of cereals is within the acceptable range for diabetics. However, there are exceptions. It is better to exclude all instant cereals from your diet.

It is better for diabetics to eliminate semolina from their diet. The content of carbohydrates in it is high, and the content of nutrients is low. Semolina porridge will not bring benefits.


Buckwheat is the most useful option for diabetic patients. The GI of buckwheat is 50 units. The composition of cereals includes B vitamins, a large amount of protein, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and other useful substances. Buckwheat is able to normalize sugar production. The daily consumption of buckwheat increases the sugar level, but excludes its sharp jumps. Buckwheat sprouts are especially beneficial. To get them, you need to take green buckwheat, which has not been heat treated. Green buckwheat, after washing and pouring boiling water, is left for at least six hours. After the time has elapsed, the water is changed. Store buckwheat in the refrigerator.

Scientists have proven that buckwheat has a positive effect on the brain and nervous system. Eating buckwheat, a person’s mood improves.


Oatmeal is a human analogue of insulin. Whole grain porridge normalizes cholesterol levels, blood vessels are cleared of plaque. The GI of oatmeal is 65 units. You can combine it with fruits, nuts, or use it as an independent side dish. It is better to eat oatmeal for breakfast three times a week. A special place in the diet of diabetics is occupied by an infusion of oats, which is taken three times a day. For cooking, you need to pour boiling water over one glass of cereal. The resulting mixture is covered with a lid and infused for 12 hours. After a lapse of time, the mixture is filtered.

Millet porridge

Nutritionists agreed that millet is one of the most useful types of cereals for patients with diabetes. Millet improves mucous membranes, cleanses the body of toxins and cholesterol. Millet is able to break down fats that accumulate in the liver. GI millet – 45 units.

Barley porridge

Barley is made from barley. The porridge contains lysine, gluten, vitamins B, E, PP and others. Barley improves the condition of the skin, hair, removes toxins and slows down aging. The GI of pearl barley porridge is 22 units. The high gluten content of pearl barley causes flatulence. It is better for pregnant women to refrain from eating this cereal.

Corn porridge

Corn porridge contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It is high in calories, so it is recommended to eat it for people with low body weight. The use of corn grits for type 2 diabetes should be limited. GI of corn – 80 units. Due to its high GI, corn cannot be combined with other foods. Serving size should not exceed 150 grams.

Patients with diabetes mellitus are better off choosing coarse cereals. When preparing cereals, it is better to use soy milk instead of regular cow’s milk, so as not to increase the GI of the product.

Rice porrige

White milled rice has a high GI. For people suffering from “sweet” disease, it is better to replace it with brown or wild rice, which contains coarse fibers that slow down the flow of glucose into the blood. For people suffering from constipation and hemorrhoids, it is better to replace rice cereal with another dish.

Legumes in the diet

Lentils are the most beneficial option for diabetics. The human body easily assimilates all the nutrients that make up the porridge. Eating lentils, a person replenishes the reserves of B vitamins, iron and amino acids. Peas and beans can also be consumed, but this must be done carefully. To reduce the GI index, the legumes are soaked in water before cooking until they swell completely. Further preparation takes place in the usual way. Green peas can be used as an independent dish or used as an addition to salads and soups. Contraindications here are diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Features of cooking porridge

Cooking porridge for diabetics should take place with the following rules in mind:

  1. Any cereal is thoroughly washed and rubbed with hands. This process will rid the cereal from the top layer, which contains a large amount of starch; 
  2. It is necessary to cook porridge in water. This is especially true for cereals with high glycemic index; 
  3. Add milk, butter or other dairy products only at the end. You should not abuse supplements in order not to increase the GI; 
  4. It is better to replace the usual cooking with steaming, if possible. In this case, the cereal is poured with boiling water and left to infuse overnight. This cooking method preserves all the nutrients as much as possible. 

Proper nutrition is the key to good health. Every person should eat a balanced diet, regardless of the diagnosis. Diabetics should not give up porridge, the main thing is to follow the basic rules for choosing cereals.

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