Who is at risk for diabetes? How to protect yourself from diabetes?

Most often, type 1 diabetes mellitus is inherited, and the risk of developing diabetes increases with inflammation of the pancreatic tissue and death of beta cells as a result of injuries and infection. Type 1 diabetes mellitus occurs in only 5% of the total number of patients.  

The highest incidence of type 1 diabetes  in developed countries in Austria, Great Britain, France, Finland and on the island of Sardinia in Italy. There is no type 1 diabetes mellitus prevention; upon diagnosis, insulin therapy, which is lifelong, should be started immediately. Timely initiated and regular insulin therapy in 75-90% of cases helps to achieve temporary remission and live a full life. The main contingent of patients with type 1 diabetes are children, adolescents and young people. Parents suffering from type 1 diabetes or having relatives of patients with diabetes should temper their child from birth, since it is after colds in children with weakened immunity that there are signs of diabetes. A seasoned child can also get diabetes, he just has a lower risk of illness.

Scientists warn that the protein of cow’s milk contained in milk mixtures can adversely affect the cells secreting insulin in the pancreas. In addition, breastfeeding helps to strengthen the baby’s immunity and protect him from infectious diseases. Parents strive with all their might to cure type 1 diabetes in a child, try to abandon daily injections of insulin. However, this cannot be done, the only right way to diagnose type 1 diabetes is to accept the disease and start living with it. You should not spend money on untested methods of treatment and turn to traditional healers, it is better to purchase funds for self-control and begin to implement the recommendations that doctors offer. The faster you start insulin therapy, the easier it will be to prevent complications and live a full life, despite diabetes. Almost everything about type 1 diabetes can be found in specialized articles that address this issue.    

Among all patients with diabetes, 95% of people have type 2 diabetes. Factors contributing to the occurrence of type 2 diabetes are insufficient physical activity and unhealthy diet, which contribute to obesity, as well as a genetic predisposition.  

Therefore, the risk group for developing type 2 diabetes is , first of all, those people whose parent is suffering from obesity and type 2 diabetes. If you are overweight and have a hereditary predisposition to diabetes, you need to carefully monitor your weight and prevent obesity. In this case, diabetes can be avoided. Using a simple calculation, you can find out if you have a risk of diabetes or not. To do this, measure the waist and hip circumference, divide the first into the second, if the resulting figure is more than 0.95 for men and 0.85 for women, then you are at risk.   

Also at risk are women with type 2 diabetes , who during pregnancy gained weight more than 17 kg and gave birth to a baby weighing 4.5 kg. and more. Even if after pregnancy the weight returned to normal, after 10-20 years, type 2 diabetes mellitus may occur. To protect yourself from diabetes, it is very important to prevent it even before a diagnosis is made. To do this, you must:  

1. Lead an active lifestyle and control your weight . Diabetes is directly related to obesity, so from now on, start the fight against excess weight. Any physical activity helps lower blood sugar and reduces the need for insulin.   

2. Eat correctly . Eat foods that are high in fiber, which normalize your intestines and lower cholesterol. Such products include all fruits and vegetables, legumes, dairy products, nuts and others. 3. Avoid excessive consumption of flour products , sweets, pasta and pastries. Buy only bread made from whole grains. 

4. Avoid stress and do not smoke . One of the causes of diabetes is stress and anxiety. Stress, smoking reduce the body’s resistance to diabetes. 

5. Constantly monitor your blood glucose if you are over 40 years old. Also, a sugar test is necessary for those who are prone to obesity, lead a sedentary lifestyle. 

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