Why blood sugar rises: causes of an increase in glucose levels

One of the main aspects of human health is the concentration of glucose in the body within acceptable limits. Human food is the only source through which glucose enters the body.

Sugar is the main component that saturates cellular tissues with energy. However, along with this, human cells cannot metabolize glucose without a hormone that is produced by the pancreas.

The human body is designed in such a way that any pathological change in this or that organ, internal system, will certainly be noticeable. And sugar can rise not only due to diabetes.

It is necessary to consider why blood sugar rises in a healthy person? What reasons can lead to this pathology, and what symptoms indicate it?

Causes of high sugar

Blood sugar levels can rise for a variety of reasons other than diabetes. The reasons can be conditionally divided into pathological, which are associated with any disease, as well as physical, associated with the human condition.

Blood sugar may be elevated due to excessive psychological or physical stress. With frequent stress in the human body, an increased production of adrenaline occurs, which provokes the rapid breakdown of glycogen. As a result, blood glucose can increase significantly.

Improper diet, in particular, eating a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates. If this is a one-time dose, then the increased blood sugar within a few hours normalizes to normal limits.

However, if such a diet is a way of life, then a high concentration of glucose can be constant, and disease occurs.

The following reasons can be distinguished that provoke a high level of sugar in a person’s blood:

  • Sugar can rise in women before menstruation.
  • Glucose is able to rise after smoking.
  • The use of some psychotropic drugs can lead to an increase in glucose levels in the human body.

Many patients are interested in whether blood glucose can increase during the use of Protophan? Instructions for using the product say that no, sugar cannot increase, but can only decrease significantly.

However, some diabetics say that this drug does not help them, sugar remains at the same level, or even rises. Along with this, doctors note that this is possible in one case in a million, and the reasons may be different.

Firstly, there is a possibility that in a particular patient the body does not react in any way to the drug, that is, the sugar does not decrease. Secondly, it is possible that the dosage of the agent is selected in the wrong way.

If such a problem is observed in a patient, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor in order to adjust the therapy.

Pathologies that provoke high glucose

Definitely, in the first place is a disease called diabetes mellitus. It manifests itself as a malfunction in the functioning of the endocrine system, when there is a lack of a hormone in the body that takes part in metabolic processes.

Against the background of diabetes mellitus, sugar is increased, body weight can increase or decrease sharply, there is an increase in appetite, frequent urination, a constant feeling of thirst, and the human immune system is weakened.

In addition, with diabetes, the patient has a tendency to various infectious pathologies, wounds heal slowly, and visual perception decreases. The urine contains sugar, as well as ketone bodies, which is a deviation from the norm. 

Medical practice identifies the following diseases, due to which glucose in the body can increase:

  1. Pheochromocytoma is a pathology of the endocrine system, as a result of which a large amount of adrenaline and norepinephrine is released into the blood. It is this hormone that provokes a jump in sugar in the body.
  2. Itsenko-Cushing’s pathology – problems with the pituitary gland.
  3. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  4. Pancreatic pathologies associated with a tumor of an internal organ. If the functionality of the pancreas is impaired, insulin cannot be released in the required amount, which in turn leads to a high concentration of glucose in the human body.
  5. Liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, tumor formations in the liver.

You need to know that an increase in blood sugar concentration is not a disease.

This is only a clinical symptom, indicating that pathological processes are observed in the human body.

The clinical picture of hyperglycemia

The first symptom that the sugar is above the normal range is constant thirst. Due to the increase in glucose concentration, the human body leaves almost all the liquid.

Against this background, internal organs and soft tissues are “thirsty”, as a result of which they send a signal to the brain to replenish water reserves. As a result, this leads to the fact that people are constantly thirsty.

Dry mouth is the second clinical symptom of high sugar in the body. Sugar is able to attract all the liquid, and because of its deficiency, the internal organs “ask for liquid”.

The following symptoms are also distinguished:

  • Frequent and profuse urination. Since the sugar level in the human body has increased, the volume of fluid increases accordingly. The kidneys work at an accelerated pace, trying to remove everything from the body.
  • High blood pressure readings. Against the background of a decrease in the functionality of the kidneys, excess fluid hardly leaves the human body, as a result of which an increase in blood pressure is observed.
  • Decrease in body weight. This symptom is observed in patients who have been diagnosed with type 1 disease, while the absence of insulin production is completely observed.

There may be a sharp increase in body weight, up to obesity. This process is typical for the second type of diabetes.

The situation in this case is the opposite, the hormone is synthesized more than the norm, and the receptors that bind it are functioning defectively.

High sugar in the morning, why?

Every cell in the human body needs sugar. Due to glucose, energy is released into the brain, support system, respiratory system, and so on. That is, any cell requires such an interaction.

As a result, the human body begins to work fully. For the body to always work fully, it needs a certain supply of sugar, which is consumed as required.

In a completely healthy body, where all systems and internal organs work fully, insulin is released. In diabetics, this picture is not observed. Insulin rates can vary significantly.  

Why is there a sharp jump in sugar in the morning? Medical experts explain this phenomenon by the fact that in the morning the body lacks long-acting insulin. The human body “asks” for energy, but the hormone is not enough to provide its need.

The cells start to “riot” because they want to “eat”. In reality, there is an excess of glucose, but the body perceives this state as a lack of energy reserves. As a result, additional portions of sugar are released into the bloodstream, and the indicators increase.

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