Natural coffee protects the heart from heart failure

 Nowadays, there are many controversial rumors about the dangers or benefits of drinking coffee. Some say that it negatively affects the heart, others see in it considerable benefits for the body, and still others do not find any connection between these phenomena. Therefore, scientists from the Israeli Medical Center under the leadership of Dr. Elizabeth Mostofsky wanted to put an end to the discussions, finding a specific solution to this problem.

Dr. Mostofsky says the results of the study were expected. Taking into account the data of five past major studies conducted in Finland, Denmark and Sweden, they also examined an additional 140,220 people. Of these, 6 522 suffer from heart failure. Several subgroups were distinguished from the entire group: those who do not drink coffee at all, those who drink it moderately, and those who drink more than five cups a day, which equates to an excess dose. It turned out that there is a direct link between moderate coffee consumption and increased protection against cardiovascular diseases.

According to the authors of the study, people who drink about two cups of natural coffee per day have a 11% less chance of earning heart or vessel problems than those who drink large amounts of it, and those who do not drink coffee at all. In large daily servings of coffee, there is no health benefit, scientists say, because those who abuse it are best to gradually reduce the dose to two American servings per day.

Scientists cannot explain the detailed mechanism of the occurrence of protection against heart failure, but they see the origins of this phenomenon in how the use of natural coffee and the two main factors causing the insufficiency are related – diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure. It has long been proven that moderate coffee consumption enhances the protection of the human body against type 2 diabetes.

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