Diabetes mellitus: what many do not know about the disease?

Diabetes belongs to a special group of pathologies associated with metabolic disorders, in particular carbohydrate. But regarding this disease, you can hear a lot of misconceptions, both regarding the nature of the pathology, and regarding the level of sugar in the blood. In addition, it is believed that the presence of diabetes, even against the background of its adequate treatment, significantly limits the patient in his usual life, physical activity is supposedly forbidden, and pregnancy and childbirth are unacceptable for women. But is it really so?  

Diabetes and knowledge about it

Many patients are unforgivably careless about diabetes, considering it a frivolous pathology. There is another group of people who believes that in the presence of diabetes they will have to significantly change their lives and habitual life patterns, many things will be forbidden, from the usual physical activity, ending with most of your favorite foods and dishes. But this is not entirely true, since diabetes naturally requires attention, but this does not mean that now a person has become a deeply disabled person. With full compensation, diabetes, as the patients themselves say, is not a disease, but a way of life. But for those who have not experienced diabetes in close relatives or at home, this ailment is a mysterious disease, and on many issues people have misconceptions, which lead to the fact that, believing myths, they do not go to the doctor on time. So, a special issue is the level of sugar in the blood and the condition of the body.

Blood sugar and well-being: what is worth knowing?

Many of those who are not familiar with diabetes or have only recently learned about the diagnosis believe that slightly elevated blood sugar (a condition called hyperglycemia) is not so dangerous for a person than low glucose (which is called hypoglycemia). Especially such a statement is considered relevant in relation to children and adolescents. This is due to the fact that if blood sugar is low, then the patients’ well-being usually suffers greatly – there is a feeling of chills with weakness, and also a headache. But high blood sugar is not felt, and patients believe that it does not harm much. However, according to numerous studies in different countries of the world, it has been shown that hypoglycemia, when the blood sugar level drops, is not so critical, and does not cause significant harm to the body if the condition is not comatose. In addition, patients feel hypoglycemia and immediately take certain actions to correct glucose levels.  

But high blood sugar is especially dangerous for children and the elderly, even if nothing bothers you in terms of well-being. But at the same time, complications associated with hyperglycemia progressively arise – the walls of the vessels are affected, vision and the work of the heart muscle are impaired, blood circulation of the lower extremities suffers.

Assessment of the severity of the disease and well-being

Patients often mistakenly believe that the severity of the disease is assessed by well-being, as well as glucose levels. If the patient feels well, does not bother or hurt, then the sugar level is normal and diabetes is compensated. But doctors say that this is not true, and one cannot be equal to well-being, the severity of the disease is not determined only by the general condition and well-being. Far from always high blood sugar (unlike hypoglycemia) is felt by the patient himself, while the glucometer shows very high numbers. And prolonged hyperglycemia leads to negative consequences of the disease, internal organs and tissues, blood circulation and the nervous system work. It is important to understand that the manifestations of the disease with low sugar and high sugar may be similar, so your own feelings can not be the criterion that should be guided in assessing the severity. Therefore, control of the disease is carried out using regular measurements of glucose in plasma using a portable glucometer.

Misconception About Diabetes Pregnancy

Many women believe that diabetes leads to infertility or is a categorical contraindication for pregnancy, as a sick woman cannot bear and give birth to children. However, doctors say this is not true. The modern level of obstetrics and monitoring nutrition, blood glucose levels allows you to plan a pregnancy, carry it and give birth to children. And the level of health of these kids will be quite satisfactory. However, it is worth mentioning right away that a prerequisite for a successful pregnancy is constant monitoring by a gynecologist and management in parallel with the endocrinologist. Strict control of plasma glucose levels throughout the entire period is required, as well as nutrition control and the use of medications and insulin, if necessary. It is necessary that the pregnancy proceed with a relatively stable glucose level, without sudden jumps. In this case, nothing will threaten the health of the fetus.

In addition, you should not think that if there are people with the disease in the family, then children will certainly be born with diabetes. The risk of its transmission to a child in the presence of one of the relatives with pathologies reaches 3-5%, but if both parents have diabetes, it rises to 30%. With type 2 diabetes, everything is more complicated, there the risks are somewhat different and reach 50%.  

Exercise, diabetes lifestyle

The misconception that the diagnosis of diabetes is a disability with a significant restriction of physical activity, a ban on driving a car, the inability to choose a decent job or a career failure is also persistent. However, this statement is also half true, if not a third. Yes, diabetes can be a cause of disability, limit physical activity, and also impose significant restrictions if you do not monitor your health and are not treated. If the disease is taken under control, then physical activity, naturally dosed, will also be useful, and it will even benefit.

So that the pathology does not make significant adjustments to the usual life, and you can practically not refuse anything to yourself, it is important to control the plasma glucose level, pressure, and you also need to abandon bad habits. And then it will be useful physical activity, exercise in order to control weight and overall well-being, emotional tone.

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