Is it possible to cure diabetes?

The question of getting rid of diabetes is given to each person who has his characteristic features. It should be noted that the disease is very common – almost every 20th person has diabetes. The global network is full of promises to eliminate diabetes forever in a short time, using one or another expensive drugs, dietary supplements , equipment, clothing and, even worse, magic actions on the advice of “healers.”

In order to protect themselves from fraudsters need to know: what kind of disease is diabetes, what are its mechanisms and consequences.

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the common name for several diseases with the same main symptom – an increase in the concentration of sugar (glucose) in the blood – hyperglycemia . However, this symptom with different types of diabetes has different causes and mechanisms of occurrence.
Types of diabetes:

  • Type 1 diabetes -insulin – dependent .
  • Type 2 diabetes -insulin independent .
  • Diabetes of pregnant women, most often passing after childbirth.
  • Diabetes,developed as a result of chronic pancreatitis, hormonal changes in menopause.

Diabetes mellitus belongs to the human pancreas, but in advanced stages it affects all organs and systems. Specialized pancreatic cells form hormones responsible for the exchange of sugar in the body. These hormones are synthesized in the cells of the islets of the largengans of the pancreas.

  1. Alpha cells form glucagon (increases blood sugar levels, regulates carbohydrate metabolism);
  2. beta cells – insulin (lowers blood sugar levels, promotes the absorption of glucose).

Common symptoms for types 1 and 2 of diabetes:

  • Frequent urination, thirst;
  • Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) andglycosuria (glucose in the eye);
  • Dizziness, weakness;
  • Blurred vision;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Numbness of the limbs, heaviness, cramps of the gastrocnemius muscles;
  • Reducing the rate of wound healing and recovery from infections;
  • Decreased body temperature.
Stages compensation sugar diabetes

It is necessary to note the state of compensation of diabetes and the manifestation of symptoms depending on the specific stage:

  • compensation;
  • subcompensation;
  • decompensation.

To assess the degree of compensation of carbohydrate metabolism, it is necessary to measure not only the level of glucose in the blood, but also blood biochemical parameters:

  • glycolizedhemoglobin in the blood (compensation – less than 6.5%; subcompensation 5-9%; decompensation – more than 9%);
  • fructosamine(compensation – no higher than 285 μmol/l);
  • indicators of fat metabolism (compensation – TAG triglycerides not higher than 1.7mmol / l; LDL lipoproteins – less 0 mmol/l, and HDL – more than 1.2 mmol/l; cholesterol – less than 4.8 mmol/l);
  • ketone bodies (compensation –  not higher than 0.43 mmol/l);
  • osmotic pressure levels (compensation –  no more than 290 – 300 mmol/l), etc.

At the stage of carbohydrate metabolism compensation, symptoms of thirst, polyuria, hypoglycemia disappear. The patient feels like a healthy, valuable person. The glucose level on an empty stomach and after a meal is kept within the normal range (on an empty stomach less than 6.1 mmol/l, after 2 hours, 7.5 mmol/l). Glucose in the urine is not detected.

With subcompensation , the patient’s condition worsens. The level of glucose in the blood on an empty stomach 6, 1-7.0   mmol/l, after 2 hours – 7.5-9.0 mmol/l.   Thirst, dry mouth may occur in the morning, hypoglokiemicheskie reaction may be absent. Glucose in the urine – up to 5% of the sugar value of food. Ketone bodies in urine are absent.

Decompensation of diabetes is characterized by the impossibility of correcting blood sugar in the blood with drugs. All symptoms of diabetes are clearly manifested. There are serious complications up to the development of comatose conditions requiring emergency resuscitation care. Fasting glucose level is much more than 7.0 mmol/l, after 2 hours more than 9.0 mmol / l.   This stage is characterized by the development of acute complications – hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic states, ketoacidosis , and glucose in the urine above 5% of the carbohydrate value of food. Also at this stage develop chronic complications of diabetes (neuropathy, nephropathy, serderdechno -sosudistye disorders, retinopathy, diabetic foot).

The state of decompensation leads to heavy physical and emotional stress, failure to comply with the diet and the regularity of taking sugar – lowering drugs, insulin. Many patients have not   manages to reach the stage of compensation of diabetes.

Comparison of type 1 and 2 diabetes

We see that the symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are very similar. What differences between them can be noted?

  • More oftenType 2 diabetes occurs.
  • Type 1 – reduced insulin levels; Type 2 – the rate and increase in insulin at the beginning, in the later stages of a decrease.
  • Type 1 – weight reduced; Type 2 – obesity or normal.
  • Type1 – young; Type 2 – over
  • Type 1 – develops suddenly, quickly; Type 2 – gradually.
  • Type 1 – unstable flow, difficult to control; Type 2 – stable flow, control is not difficult.
Indicators of blood glucose in diabetes

According to the WHO, normal fasting blood glucose should be less than 6.1 mol/l . With diabetes on an empty stomach – from 7 mol/l to 9.3 mol/l.  
There are cases of “hidden” diabetes. To identify it, perform the glucose- tolerant test (GTT): first measure the fasting glucose level, then the person is given to drink sweet water of a certain concentration and blood is taken every half hour to measure the increase in glucose and scheduling.

Can I Cure Diabetes?

To understand people who want to get rid of the disease once and for all is quite possible.
Insulin injections are not always convenient to do, it is difficult to lose your weight when you have type 2 diabetes, you don’t have enough will to live a diet for life, drugs to reduce blood sugar are decent. Therefore, many “peck” on the miraculous, fast-acting tools and techniques that promise to get rid of diabetes in almost 72 hours. Endocrinologists in one voice warned: dear patients, do not tempt tempting promises of people ready to cash in on your illness.

Diabetes mellitus of any type – a chronic disease for life, it can not be cured. The point is not only that by rejecting official medicine and turning to alternative promising methods, you can lose a lot more material resources – you can lose a life. While traditional methods of treatment are left to patients who are testing an alternative means for themselves, irreversible processes can occur in the body.

What do fraudsters offer for getting rid of diabetes:

  • excretionof of the body slags
  • herbal medicine and running with the elimination ofglucose – lowering drugs and insulin
  • vibratingappliances
  • wearingspecial clothes and medallions
  • work with the subconscious and “energy”

Weight loss, diet really in the early stages of type 2 diabetes can completely stop the symptoms. But the theory of slags is pseudoscientific, the quality of the drugs offered to use for this purpose, we can only guess. The patient puts himself at great risk by trusting such a promise.
Herbal medicine and sports can really improve the quality of life and well-being, but in no case should you stop taking drugs to reduce sugar and, especially, insulin. All this can be applied in addition to the main treatment.
Proposals for the purchase of equipment, clothing, medallions and the impact on the unknown must be dismissed without regret. Sometimes those who are engaged in this kind of “production” use neuro-linguistic programming techniques, as a result of which a person buys completely unnecessary things, as if being under hypnosis. Option one: fear such offers.

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