Diabetes. Life after a diagnosis

You have diabetes. What to do? Who to contact for help? How will your life change now? Do not immediately succumb to panic and overwhelming emotions. Life goes on, and it can be as colorful and fulfilling as it was before. The first thing that needs to be done immediately after the diagnosis is to get the right idea about the disease, its effective treatment and control, and also dispel the myths that have developed due to fears and lack of information.

The educational site created by Sanofi Russia together with the Russian Diabetes Association (RDA), Diabetes School, will help you with this . An interactive web school will not only provide basic knowledge about how to behave correctly with a diagnosis of diabetes, but also ask burning questions to endocrinologists, as well as read about the experience of people who have been living with diabetes for more than a year.

The virtual “School of Diabetes” contains useful information for people of any age who have experienced this disease. The website for teens is filled with videos telling stories of their peers who have already learned how to control their disease and are ready to share their experiences with peers. 

If the diagnosis is made to your child who has not yet reached adolescence, you can learn to manage diabetes with it using the animated children’s section. It is important not only to understand what your child is sick with and how to deal with this disease, but also from childhood to teach the baby to lead the right lifestyle so that she is full and happy. To consolidate knowledge, take the test to check the acquired material, which completes each section of the “School of diabetes.” 

The School of Diabetes is a single educational resource where you receive information from highly qualified endocrinologists. This is your faithful assistant in the fight against diabetes, which will teach you how to establish control over the disease . 

Learn everything from a reliable source, listen to the stories of people with diabetes who are firmly convinced that their life is full and beautiful.

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