Signs of diabetes in children

Diabetes mellitus is a problem of modern society. Previously, a serious illness occurred primarily in mature, elderly people. Today the disease is noticeably “younger”, children are increasingly suffering from it. The effectiveness of subsequent treatment depends on how correctly and quickly the diagnosis is made. 

Reasons for the development of different types of diabetes in children

  • In type I diabetes, the pancreas generally ceases to produce insulin, which is designed to break down glucose in the blood and transport it to the cells of a living organism. When the hormone is not produced or the amount is insufficient, glucose is retained in the blood, making it thicker. This type of diabetes is called insulin-dependent. Type 1 diabetes can be caused by hereditary factors. Therefore, children whose close relatives suffer from the disease should undergo preventive examinations more often than others.
  • The second type of diabetes occurs most often in adults who lead unhealthy lifestyles. Although it also occurs in children. In this case, insulin is produced by the pancreas to a sufficient extent, but it does not interact with glucose due to the abnormal structure. Diabetes of the second type occurs due to obesity, low physical activity. If it occurs in children, it is during adolescence. 

The main symptoms of diabetes in children of different ages.

Sometimes even minor symptoms indicate the development of a serious illness. What should be the “wake-up call” for responsible parents?
The symptoms of diabetes in children are:

  • bad mood in the child;
  • poor academic performance, general weakness;
  • frequent nausea;
  • intense thirst;
  • drowsiness;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • vision problems;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • excessive need for sweets.

You need to consider each of the above symptoms in order to understand when to see a doctor.

Apathy, mood swings

Healthy children sometimes have a bad mood. In those moments when the child is not happy about anything, the parents try to do everything possible to cheer him up. Adults should be alerted to situations where mood swings occur more frequently. If the child becomes really depressed, this may be a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. How to recognize a symptom in children of different ages?

  • a baby under one year old often cries, sulks;
  • a preschool child is not even happy with gifts and sweets;
  • a teenager can be aggressive.

Poor school performance

Schoolchildren who show the first symptoms of diabetes stop assimilating new material, and their academic performance drops sharply. Glucose, when broken down, feeds the brain. It gives energy for new achievements. If sugar accumulates in the blood without penetrating the cells of the growing organism, the brain suffers first.

Nausea, poor appetite

When insulin is not produced by the pancreas, the gastrointestinal tract is also severely affected. The child is constantly nauseous, moreover, vomiting, diarrhea, and other problems typical of poisoning may not be. It is necessary to visit a doctor and pass the necessary tests if nausea occurs regularly.

Thirst in a child

The blood becomes viscous, thick due to its high glucose content. The body needs extra fluid. Therefore, another symptom of diabetes in children is considered to be intense thirst. It is noteworthy that even if you limit the amount of fluid consumed, the baby normally goes to the toilet. A wake-up call for all parents should be requests for a drink at night . If the child wakes up several times and asks for a drink, it is better to pay attention to this right away. 


Preschool children should definitely sleep during the day. But if the state of sleepiness becomes permanent, you need to pay attention to this. It so happens that schoolchildren with diabetes sleep even during lessons. They are scolded for this, but you just need to visit a doctor with your child.

Weight loss

It happens that a child eats normally, but begins to lose weight dramatically. This is noticeable even with the naked eye. Sudden weight loss during a period of active growth is evidence of health problems. The significance of this symptom cannot be neglected. The nutrition of the skin cells decreases when they do not receive sufficient glucose.

Deterioration of vision

Decreased visual acuity is one of the problems that always accompanies diabetes. Pathological processes in the body are triggered due to metabolic disorders. If a child complains that he does not see even clear objects well, he should immediately visit the clinic.

Skin rashes

Acne, acne, and other skin defects often appear in adolescents. But if they are accompanied by severe itching, bleeding, decay processes, you need to pay attention to this. If rashes occur on the skin of a small child, then they cannot be ignored.

The need for sweet

The cells of a sick organism need glucose, which is not broken down due to the lack of insulin. Because of this, the child has a strong need for sweets. If parents do not limit the amount of sweets consumed, it can lead to coma.

If your baby has one or more of the above symptoms, you should visit your doctor. The disease is diagnosed very simply. In most cases, a complete blood count is sufficient. The sooner the correct diagnosis is made, the fewer the consequences for the child’s health will arise.

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