Precursors of diabetes

Diabetes symptoms sometimes go unnoticed for a long time. This is why he is often called the silent killer. Having identified the disease in the early stages, by starting treatment in a timely manner, it is possible to prevent the appearance of numerous severe complications caused by damage to the nervous system, eyes, kidneys, complications during pregnancy, and peripheral blood supply disorders. 

One should not neglect the prevention of diabetes mellitus, which involves, first of all, a change in lifestyle, namely:

  • a healthy balanced diet (no overuse of red meat, processed foods, exclusion of unhealthy fats);
  • to give up smoking;
  • physical activity.

It often happens that a person feels good, but still something bothers him, something is wrong. Below we look at the main early signs that indicate diabetes is on the way.


Frequent, profuse urination (polyuria) is one of the earliest symptoms of diabetes, regardless of its type. Due to the slowdown in the absorption of glucose, its amount in the blood increases. Enhanced work of the kidneys begins, which removes excess glucose into the urine. Water is not absorbed by the body, but is intensively released from it.

If you urinate more often, the amount of urine increases significantly, especially at night, this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

Intense thirst

As a result of frequent and profuse urination, there is a significant loss of fluid in the body.

If you consume sugary drinks (soda, juices) to quench your thirst, this can lead to an additional increase in blood sugar levels, and therefore to increased thirst.

If you are concerned about constant thirst that cannot be quenched with water, see your doctor immediately.

Insatiable hunger

A person constantly experiences a feeling of hunger due to disturbances in the body’s metabolic processes – the cells stop assimilating glucose, which is their “fuel”.

The body is looking for other sources of energy. But even a plentiful meal does not saturate a person, he cannot satisfy the feeling of hunger, since overeating further increases the level of sugar in the blood. The problem is getting worse. If even a significant amount of food does not saturate you, and this amount of food eaten is very different from what you have eaten before, rush to the doctor.

Chronic fatigue and muscle weakness

Chronic fatigue is a fairly common symptom in diabetes mellitus, especially type I. It negatively affects a person’s daily life. Glucose cannot enter cells and therefore is excluded from energy metabolism . The body does not receive the necessary calories.

In addition, due to insufficient blood circulation, cells are not fully supplied with the necessary nutrients and oxygen. As a result, a person constantly feels tired and weak, even after prolonged sleep.

Visual impairment

The visual acuity is lost, everything is blurred before the eyes, you see how in a fog, it is difficult to see the details? This could indicate high blood sugar. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms, then over time, new blood vessels can form on the retina and very serious problems appear (in particular, glaucoma, cataracts, retinopathy ).

Unexplained weight loss

Both weight gain and weight loss for no apparent reason may indicate the development of diabetes.

Weight loss is caused either by excessive loss of water due to frequent urination, or an inability to absorb glucose.

Insufficient amounts of insulin are compensated for by the proteins contained in the muscles. The body uses proteins as an alternative source of energy. As a rule, people lose weight dramatically at the same time.

Recurrent infection

With high sugar levels, a person becomes very susceptible to various infections. Especially often there are diseases of the genitourinary sphere, skin diseases. With persistently recurring inflammatory diseases, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Long-lasting wounds

High sugar levels lead to thickening of the walls of the arteries, to narrowing of blood vessels, which impairs the blood supply to tissues, the delivery of nutrients to them, and oxygen saturation. As a result, it takes longer for wounds, cuts, even minor scratches to heal.

Itchy and dry skin

An increase in blood sugar levels causes dysfunction of the sebaceous and sweat glands. The skin becomes dry and sensitive. The protective barrier of the skin is reduced, which facilitates the penetration of infections, allergens, and toxins into it. Itching in most cases occurs as a result of dry skin and fungal infection. Often with diabetes, dark spots appear on the skin (in the groin, neck and armpits).

If you are constantly worried about itching, burning in various parts of the body, dry skin (even with constant moisture), be sure to visit a doctor.

Numbness, tingling, burning sensation

For diabetes mellitus, sensitivity disorders (numbness, tingling, burning) are very characteristic. Deterioration of blood supply, leading to impaired conduction of nerve impulses, can further cause serious damage to the nervous system (in particular, diabetic peripheral neuropathy ). If you regularly experience these sensations, you should seek the advice of your doctor.

If you notice at least one of the listed symptoms, do not hesitate to visit a doctor, especially if you belong to a risk group! With proper treatment and adherence to the necessary diet and physical activity, diabetes mellitus of all types has a positive prognosis. The person remains able to work, the usual way of life.

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